Maximal unvorhersehbar wird die Reise von Leave Me To My Fairytales am Dienstag in Raum, Zeit und Musik. Was ihr erwarten könnt: Experimenteller Ohrenschmaus zum dahinfliegen und herbstliche Melancholie in Musikform. Also genau die Dinge, die man Anfang Oktober braucht. Die Fairytale-Truppe setzt sich aus Geschichtenerzählern, Musikern und Künstlern zusammen. Aus Zürich reist MF Jaeger an und macht es sich in seinen Live-Sets zwischen tieffrequenten Bässen und seltenen Grooves bequem. Dazu kommen DJ Sets in Sachen Jazz Fusion, Kraut Rock und Experimental-Elektronischem von Nordin und Synthetisch-Discoides von Daensen. Märchenhaft!
Leave me to my fairy taleS is unpredictable journey into space and music. 1st you hear a whisper on the horizon, but than it becomes a story ….Leave me to my fairytaleS present in infrequently times storytellers, musicians & artists to transform spaces and times with there own ear candies. curated by artist and musician Daniel Daoudi aka nordin
Daensen (Drossel) /// dj set
After exposing himself intensively to all kinds of music, Daensen got in touch with the beauty of synthetic danceable tunes at the age of 13. Going through a variety of electronic genres, his heart got stuck in the slow and driving sound of freaky sour Disco, the warmth of deadbeat House and the intricacy of soundscaping Ambient. His musical bandwith and curiosity help him to create refreshing and characteristic mixes that provide a relief from the often monotonous dance music scene. Together with Rafaele Castiglione he forms the Duo "Dr. Irmstein" and they also created the Drosssel Label in 2016, focusing on all kinds of high quality low speed music. In his spare time, he breeds unicorns and trains them to ride bicycles backwards. Daensen is one human being with two hungry ears. Currently residing in Berlin, Germany.
nordin (Leave me to my fairy tale) // (dj set)
Berlin based artist Daniel Daoudi welcomes you to a trip through his feelings and emotions in music. his selection has a wide range from Psychedelic Krautrock, Jazz Fusion, African Upbeat and back to Experimental Electronic. His music has been described as lofty, thoughtful, introspective electronica. Nuanced, a little hypnotic... True to itself.
The name "nordin" comes from his grandmother in Marocco. She gave all her grandchilds their own name. a tradition which comes from the berber tribals in the surrounding of Essouria. Nordin is derived from the name Nordian, a god of nordic mythology. "nor" or "nur" is an arabic word, which means light and "al-din" or "din" means religion.
Mf Jaeger (Drossel) /// live
The newcomer Mf Jaeger will present his new live set. We do not know much about him, yet. But his music brings you far out of your present. Well selected stuff from all over the world MF Jäger presents the music with a flavour of low basses and a groove which is not often heard so far. Currently he is residing in Zürich.
GATS b2b nordin /// dj set
Melodic ambient sounds, played on a down-tempo wave, for psychedelic suggestion. Analog tides of rescued samples, tribal reminiscences, and further explorations into the unknown - all arranged in electronic beats by GATS, as Lagoon’s voice takes you deep underwater and back to the surface.
from 4pm
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