The Monday Sit Down sessions run through July and August at Klunkerkranich --> an even more chilled out version of our #slow parties where artists will be cuddled up on a sofa up on Klunkerkranichs rooftop bar when they play for you ♥
In September we'll be back to Sunday with a larger program than we've had before.... in the mean time we're sitting down for an easy #slow session or two whilst the summer whizzes passed us....
* Timetable *
16 - 20:30Uhr
20:30 - 23Uhr
Jacob Groening
23 - 02Uhr
#slowmusic, like slow food = made to be appreciated 🐌
Design Jo Kan
Event imported by Julia Brenner using FbEventsImporter object (7) | 7 years, 3 months ago |