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Events tagged with jazz in the city of Berlin
Events in Berlin in January 2014
Events within 500 km of Berlin
Events on the 31th of January 2014
Events tagged with environment and with conference
Events tagged with mathematics or with philosophy
Events that Amanda intends to attend
Events in which you will meet Amanda
Nearest events to the coordinates 52,13 in the next 2 days
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Berlin Sessions X Klunkerkranich /// Music Market Edition

At Klunkerkranich, Berlin, Germany
On 20th November 2016 noon - 10 p.m.


On November 20th we invite you to Klunkerkranich for our first Music Market!

The leaves on the trees are still colourful, yet winter is sending its regards. We want to indulge in lovely summer memories one last time and thus want to welcome you with warm drinks and food, carefully selected artists and all the equipment your music-loving heart needs!

** Music ** - Starting inside at 16:00
Max Paul Maria
„Howlin like a wolf I cried, let me explode into the night“ - Max Paul Maria’s raw and distinctive voice confronts you with the harshness of Berlin’s fall. On his new album “Figurines” he combines his inner strife and restlessness with punky Folk-Rock by the likes of Bob Dylan, Neil Young or Tom Waits.
These Julie Birds
These Julie Birds reflect the constant struggle between restless optimism and the severity of big cities’ anonymity. They cause their listeners to sink into deep and mellow Electro-Folk, with singer Jol’s voice hovering above spherical, electronical sounds.
Oh lonesome me
On the edge of Folk and Pop, this duo floats upon melancholic, yet moonstruck melodies. Sometimes intense and strong, sometimes fragile, but always authentic and diverse - Oh Lonesome Me will make you forget the cold and will warm your heart.
After traveling across many countries and collecting inspiration on her way, Mairimasil now settled down in Berlin. She creates catchy, yet soulful melodies with her raw voice and rhythmic guitar, capturing the audience with her unique style.
DJ: I I dj humpstar I I
Our favorite DJ from the block.

** Market **
If you want to join the market hit us up:

November 20th @ Klunkerkranich /////// Doors: 12:00 /////// Concerts: 16:00 /////// End: Late

Free entry before 16:00 /////// From 16:00: 3-5€ (3€ Entry + donation which will support Berlin Sessions Artists and all our future projects!) /////////

#berlinsessions - We love to enjoy your point of view! Tag us on all your social channels!

� We are really looking forward to savouring this very special day with you �
Dear music lovers, unite! You are making, creating, drawing, stitching, collecting something music-themed? Please send a mail to, Subject “Berlin Sessions Music Market Edition” and have your own booth! We’d be happy to have you with us!


Web links

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