title: Jazzy On The Roof X Klunkerkranich // 07 start: 2017-04-19 start time: 16:00 end: 2017-04-20 end time: 02:00 venue: Klunkerkranich city: Berlin country: DE coordinates: 52.4821, 13.4311 tags: Bar Musik Tanz aufdemDach dance music rooftopbar links: Facebook Veranstaltungsseite https://www.facebook.com/events/137221090147570/ description: The Jazzy Berlin Experience Band Wednesdays at Klunker' Roof. *After opener set - Musicians are welcome to Join In. Bandstand. Hot. bass Giuseppe Bottiglieri drum Lukas akintaya piano Doron Segal Special Ilia Skibinsky The local hot Jazzy Berlin cool cats and da gang, live on the roof. Wednesdays. sharp. --- After a one year romance in jam sessions Jazzy & Kanich present: The Jazzy Berlin Experience Band Move on up to wittness the birth of this ever evolving jazzy combo. a group of friends, soulmates and likeminded jazzy people. playing some hot live jazz, just for you. - THE BOOTH Herr Hobrecht (Dusty Ballroom) https://soundcloud.com/herr-hobrecht Sigourney Skywalker (JIMOURNEY SOUND) https://soundcloud.com/sigourney-ban-pilz // from 4pm 3€ // www.jazzyberlin.de