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History of changes of: Twitter Storm: Equator Banks, ACT! on the 17th October 2017

Created on Jan. 25, 2018, 9:24 a.m. UTC by a former user
Reason given: added by an importer
title: Twitter Storm: Equator Banks, ACT!
start: 2017-10-17
start time: 18:00
end time: 19:00
tags: feminism feminisme feminismo feminismus womens-march womensmarch womensmarchbarcelona womensrights
    Facebook event page
NOTE: Do not use the main hashtag (#DefundDisasters) until the moment of the Twitter Storm!

On October 23–25, the 91 banks that adopted the Equator Principles (a set of social and environmental guidelines for financing infrastructure projects) will have their annual meeting in São Paulo, Brazil. 
BankTrack and partners are urging the 91 Equator Banks to revise the Principles in such a way that, after so many disaster projects have slipped through, they will prevent financing of projects that are environmentally destructive and violate the rights of indigenous groups. For details of this call see here:

We created this Twitterstorm to show widespread global support for our call. On October 17, 6 p.m. CEST (12 p.m. EDT / 9 a.m. PDT), we will all send tweets at the same time using the same hashtag — #DefundDisasters — and targeting all Equator banks. 

If we can make our hashtag trending topic, it’ll generate more support for our call and put more pressure on the banks! 
See the Tweetsheet here: 

To begin, you can sign up for the Thunderclap that marks the start of the twitter storm! 
This twitter storm is part of the Equator Banks, ACT! campaign: 

NOTE: Do not use the main hashtag (#DefundDisasters) until the moment of the Twitter Storm!