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History of changes of: Healthcare is Coming, Halloween Night on the 31st October 2017

Created on Jan. 22, 2018, 12:26 p.m. UTC by a former user
Reason given: added by an importer
title: Healthcare is Coming, Halloween Night
start: 2017-10-31
start time: 21:00
end: 2017-11-01
end time: 00:00
venue: Hollywood Walk of Fame
city: Los Angeles (CA)
country: US
coordinates: 34.1014, -118.3427
tags: feminism feminismo feminismus intersectional justice womenforbernie womenforjustice womenrights
    Facebook event page
Join us Halloween Night at corner of Hollywood Blvd and Highland, 10pm.

We're dressing up like the Game of Thrones characters and white walkers! They're always fighting each other and getting hurt—broken limbs, bloodied. This Halloween, they'll stand together in solidarity to demand healthcare for all. We'll have rustic signage for those who join the festivities. Join us on the night we invoke INSURANCE MONEY OUT!

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