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History of changes of: 2018 FM Women's March: A Step Beyond the March on the 20th January 2018

Created on Jan. 18, 2018, 7:04 p.m. UTC by Ivan
Reason given: added by an importer
title: 2018 FM Women's March: A Step Beyond the March
start: 2018-01-20
start time: 13:00
end time: 14:00
venue: Fargo Civic Center
city: Fargo (ND)
country: US
coordinates: 46.8783, -96.7839
tags: PowertothePolls feminism marchon weekendofwomen women womenmarch womenrights
    Facebook event page
WANT TO MAKE SURE YOU GET IN FOR THE RALLY? GET TO THE CIVIC EARLY. Capacity in lower level is capped at 600 for safety reasons.

What did you do during the 2016 election? Vote? Research a candidate? Nothing? Will you commit to going one step beyond what you did before?

12:30 -- Sign making (some supplies will be provided)
1:00 -- Rally (speakers list coming soon!)
1:40 -- March!

Find news and updates on our website:

**The rally will be held in the lower level of the Civic Center, in Centennial Hall.