title: Flying Carpet: Take Off at Klunkerkranich start: 2017-06-22 start time: 16:00 end: 2017-06-23 end time: 02:00 venue: Klunkerkranich city: Berlin country: DE coordinates: 52.4821, 13.4311 tags: Bar Musik Tanz aufdemDach dance music rooftopbar links: Facebook Veranstaltungsseite https://www.facebook.com/events/1885002471740519/ description: 3..... 2..... 1..... Fly! Dear friends and enemies, We are happy to announce the Take-Off of the Flying Carpet! On 22nd of June just before newmoon, we will take you on a journey beyond time and space as a foretaste to our grand event Flying Carpet at Anomalie on 13th of July. Come and join this intergalactical sound experience over the roofs of Berlin! LINE UP: Konta <Lions Den Sound> // Hip Hop *Live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnc6tHABJmU Chrystal Chris <Kybele> // Cosmic Eclectica https://soundcloud.com/chrystal-chris Bouba // Experimental Electronic Music https://soundcloud.com/boubahaidar Barnabass <fernab> // Slow Melodic Techno https://soundcloud.com/nickbarnabass BFAN // Oriental https://soundcloud.com/djo11-2 DJ Rafi Gazani <SIN س> // Arabic Electro https://soundcloud.com/sinberlin Mor Gana // Trip Hop *Live violin & vocals https://soundcloud.com/mor-gana Ukik <Kybele> // World Electronica https://soundcloud.com/ukikmeikiku WESAM KAREMA // Electronic Trip Hop *Live https://soundcloud.com/wesam-karema Sawatzki <Schiffbruch> *Live violin https://soundcloud.com/sawatzki support by Katharina Flying Carpet is a project of the participants of the four-months certificate course 'On Stage' DigiMediaL_musik at the UdK Berlin Career College in cooperation with the Musicboard Berlin and the Clubcommission Berlin. It is cofinanced by means of the European fonds for regional development (EFRE) through the senate department for culture and Europe.