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History of changes of: Women’s March Sonoma Valley on the 20th January 2018

Created on Jan. 18, 2018, 7:04 p.m. UTC by Ivan
Reason given: added by an importer
title: Women’s March Sonoma Valley
start: 2018-01-20
start time: 12:00
venue: Sonoma Plaza
city: Sonoma (CA)
country: US
coordinates: 38.2936, -122.4533
tags: PowertothePolls feminism marchon weekendofwomen women womenmarch womenrights
    Facebook event page
We are thrilled to announce this years Women’s March Sonoma Valley will take place Saturday, January 20th 2018.

In alignment with our fellow California cities, this year we strive to engage youth, uplift women leaders, advocate for gender equality, and stand up against voter suppression and for fair protection of all human rights. 

Brought to you by a coalition of progressive individuals of Sonoma Valley. 

All welcome. Join us. Be the change.

Help us attain our goal to funding this event! Donations can be made here:

Due to the high attendance we ask that people carpool as much as possible. Their is parking available behind the Sonoma Cheese factory, at the High School and on the plaza. 
Also, we are thrilled to announce the Teen Center of Sonoma will be setting up their bike Valet!! Donations accepted and greatly appreciated!