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History of changes of: Dissecting Gender 2.0 on the 9th July 2017

Created on Jan. 15, 2018, 12:59 p.m. UTC by a former user
Reason given: added by an importer
title: Dissecting Gender 2.0
start: 2017-07-09
start time: 13:00
end time: 17:00
venue: Birkbeck, University of London
city: London
country: GB
coordinates: 51.5222, -0.1301
tags: femiagenda femiagendalondon feminism feminisminlondon feminismo feminismus feministevents womenrights
    Página Facebook del evento
To mark the launch of our third print magazine, Consented brings you Dissecting Gender 2.0. We’ll be exploring the relationship between race, colonialism and gender, as well as asking whether we could ever live in a world without gender.

Each ticket for this event will come with a copy of our new print magazine, which includes over 100 pages of essays, poetry, personal stories and artwork on the all encompassing and broad topic of gender.

The day will be split as follows into two panel discussions with a 30 minute break in between.

Colonialism, race and gender:

Bisi Alimi (Speaker and activist)
Leah Cowan (Politics editor at gal-dem)
Dr Olumide Popoola (Author)
Hussein Kesvani (Producer, researcher, journalist)

Can we have a world without gender?

Kai Isaiah Jamal (Spoken word poet and writer)
Ray Filar (Host Killyjoy FM and writer)
Remi Greaves (Spoken word poet)

Further speakers to be confirmed.

The event takes place in room B34 at Birkbeck’s Malet Street campus on the 9th of July. Please arrive at 1pm sharp.