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History of changes of: Kansas City Chapter Meet and Greet on the 9th July 2017

Created on April 9, 2018, 8:01 a.m. UTC by Julia Brenner
Reason given: added by an importer
title: Kansas City Chapter Meet and Greet
start: 2017-07-09
start time: 17:00
end time: 20:00
venue: 10301 E Truman Rd, Independence, MO 64052-2257, United States
tags: Soundgirls feminism feminismo feminismus womeninaudio womenmusic
    Facebook Veranstaltungsseite
The Kansas City Chapter of SoundGirls is having a social gathering at a local studio. Get a chance to meet other local engineers (professional and newbies)! We'll be talking shop, talking about life, playing some music, eating dinner, having some drinks, and getting to know the other hardworking women (and men) in the Kansas City Area. Bring an instrument, or enjoy one of the many options available at the studio! Even if you aren't musically inclined, this will be a great social gathering; one of many to come! We're kicking off the 2nd half of 2017 with a bang!