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History of changes of: Manuel Castells: Power and counter-power in the digital society on the 12th December 2017

Edited by a former user on Nov. 25, 2017, 4:53 p.m. UTC
f1title: Manuel Castells: Power and counter-power in the digital societyf1title: Manuel Castells: Power and counter-power in the digital society
2start: 2017-12-122start: 2017-12-12
3start time: 19:003start time: 19:00
4end time: 22:004end time: 22:00
5venue: Kino International5venue: Kino International
6city: Berlin6city: Berlin
7country: DE7country: DE
8coordinates: 52.5206, 13.4238coordinates: 52.5206, 13.423
t9tags: democratic digital-society politicst9tags: control democratic digital-society internet kontrolle macht politics politik power
11 web web
13Kino International, Karl-Marx-Allee 33, 10178 Berlin 13Kino International, Karl-Marx-Allee 33, 10178 Berlin
15How is power constituted in the digital society? Who is powerful – and how can power be countered and contested? The advent of digitally networked technologies has long been thought to foster democratisation and emancipation, to empower people that have previously been marginalised and neglected. Today, we know that the story is more complex: only a few companies dominate the internet ecosystem, democratic uprisings like the much-cited “Arab Spring” have faced severe repressions.15How is power constituted in the digital society? Who is powerful – and how can power be countered and contested? The advent of digitally networked technologies has long been thought to foster democratisation and emancipation, to empower people that have previously been marginalised and neglected. Today, we know that the story is more complex: only a few companies dominate the internet ecosystem, democratic uprisings like the much-cited “Arab Spring” have faced severe repressions.
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Edited by ivan on Nov. 25, 2017, 3:57 p.m. UTC
f1title: Manuel Castells: Power and counter-power in the digital societyf1title: Manuel Castells: Power and counter-power in the digital society
2start: 2017-12-122start: 2017-12-12
3start time: 19:003start time: 19:00
4end time: 22:004end time: 22:00
nn5venue: Kino International
6city: Berlin
7country: DE
8coordinates: 52.5206, 13.423
5tags: democratic digital-society politics9tags: democratic digital-society politics
7 web web
13Kino International, Karl-Marx-Allee 33, 10178 Berlin
15How is power constituted in the digital society? Who is powerful – and how can power be countered and contested? The advent of digitally networked technologies has long been thought to foster democratisation and emancipation, to empower people that have previously been marginalised and neglected. Today, we know that the story is more complex: only a few companies dominate the internet ecosystem, democratic uprisings like the much-cited “Arab Spring” have faced severe repressions.
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Created on Nov. 25, 2017, 3:55 p.m. UTC by ivan
title: Manuel Castells: Power and counter-power in the digital society
start: 2017-12-12
start time: 19:00
end time: 22:00
tags: democratic digital-society politics