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History of changes of: Monday Roast 04 / Vinyl Nights /w Valentino 45 / Phil Barbee on the 23rd May 2016

Created on Nov. 24, 2017, 10:49 a.m. UTC by Julia Brenner
Reason given: added by an importer
title: Monday Roast 04 / Vinyl Nights /w Valentino 45 / Phil Barbee
start: 2016-05-23
start time: 18:00
venue: Klunkerkranich
city: Berlin
country: DE
coordinates: 52.4821, 13.4311
tags: Bar Musik Tanz aufdemDach dance music rooftopbar
    Facebook Veranstaltungsseite
monday roast.

in a loving memory of the trad. sunday roast, monday nights on klunker are dedicated to meet good friends, enjoy the sunset & listen to a tasty selection of records. this time we have a massive feast! 

disclaimer: the dish in the event picture will not be available. 


Phil Barbee (come closer / berlin)

Hottest wax - spun by the one and only electro vampire empire.

Valentino 45 (deine mudda iss disco / berlin)

From 80s Edits to Disco Boogies & Classics - a collector of B Sides & Rarities. Sexy sexy! 

starts 6pm