title: Monday Roast / Deutsche Schweinheit /w DJ Fett / Jimmy Trash start: 2016-10-03 start time: 16:00 end: 2016-10-04 end time: 01:30 venue: Klunkerkranich city: Berlin country: DE coordinates: 52.4821, 13.4311 tags: Bar Musik Tanz aufdemDach dance music rooftopbar links: Facebook Veranstaltungsseite https://www.facebook.com/events/1799203896968026/ description: monday roast. 6pm in a loving memory of the trad. sunday roast, monday nights on klunker are dedicated to meet good friends, enjoy the sunset & listen to a tasty selection of records. Oh Monday Bloody Monday the last monday roast in 2016 / tag der deutschen schweinheit super spezial /w DJ Fett (Planet Rock Booking) https://www.facebook.com/djfett1/ The big fella from Planet Rock Booking will bring his crates full of black gold up to the roof. Jimmy Trash (Down by the River Festival / Trashfest) Our favourite tropical Trashhead! Warm selection and greasy trash! & ¥ung $chuldenb€rg & Cariββean Le4n nocloudsyet Y-Hop at its best! The newest you can get, the deepest Shit in Town, einfach "Nein"! X from 4pm 3€