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History of changes of: WMM: Volunteers meeting! - Incontriamo i volontari! on the 21st February 2018

Created on Feb. 6, 2018, 6:21 p.m. UTC by a former user
Reason given: added by an importer
title: WMM: Volunteers meeting! - Incontriamo i volontari!
start: 2018-02-21
start time: 18:30
end time: 20:00
venue: Ils International Language School Srl
city: Milan
country: IT
coordinates: 45.458, 9.1864
tags: 20J feminism feminismo feminismus thefutureisfemale wm wmm womenmarch womens-march womensmarchmilan womensrights
    Facebook event page

Women’s March Milan will have our first meeting in 2018 on Wednesday February 21 - one month after this year’s March! 

We’d love to meet anyone who came to Piazza della Scala or anyone else interested in learning more about the movement.

We’ll briefly describe WM Milan and WM Global and then discuss some plans for  actions in 2018. It’s time to #MarchForward together! 

When: Wed February 21 
What time: arrive between 6:30 and 7:00pm, Meeting 7:00 to 8:00pm 
Where ILS International Language School, via Disciplini 5, Milan (near metro Missori M3 in the center)
Who: anyone interested in the Women’s March movement - women, men, any background or nationality welcome!

Photo credit: Rachael Martin @rachinitaly 


Mercoledì, 21 febbraio, un mese esatto dopo la marcia di quest'anno, faremo il nostro primo incontro del 2018!

Saremmo felici di incontrare chi è venuto con noi in Piazza della Scala o chiunque sia interessat* al movimento.

Descriveremo brevemente WM Milano e WM Global e discuteremo i piani per le azioni del 2018. E' il momento di marciare avanti insieme"

Quando: mercoledì, 21 febbraio 2018
Ora: arrivo 18:30-19:00; incontro 19:00-20:00
Dove: ILS International Language School, via Disciplini 5, Milano (in centro, vicino alla fermata Missori M3)
Chi: chiunque abbia interesse nel movimento Women's March- donne, uomini, qualunque genere, esperienza o nazionalità è la benvenuta!