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History of changes of: Sexual Harassment in Jewish Communal Organizations on the 26th February 2018

Created on Feb. 6, 2018, 4:28 p.m. UTC by a former user
Reason given: added by an importer
title: Sexual Harassment in Jewish Communal Organizations
start: 2018-02-26
start time: 15:00
end time: 18:00
venue: The Jewish Board
city: New York (NY)
country: US
coordinates: 40.7606, -73.9819
tags: JOFA feminism feminismo feminismus intersectional jofaorg womenrights womensvisibilty
    Facebook event page
The Jewish Board and JOFA are pleased to invite you to an event to learn, understand and be understood. To register, please email us at Limited space is available to this free event. Learning opportunities include:

Definitions and policies on sexual harassment from Rand Palmer, director of employee and labor relations for The Jewish Board

A discussion on what to do when and if something happens from Chaim B. Book, esq, a partner of Moskowitz & Book, LLP

How to address the trauma and institutional betrayal experienced when sexual harassment takes place from Faye Wilbur, LCSW, deputy director of Jewish community services for The Jewish Board 

A spiritual perspective on the struggle of harassment by Erin Leib Smokler, director of spiritual development for Yeshivat Maharat

There will also be a Q&A panel discussion followed by time to mingle, meet colleagues, and have the conversation continue. Light snacks will be provided.