title: Klunker Klub /w Ece Özel / Andre Gardeja / Bonze&Krösus / EBM66 start: 2017-03-18 start time: 16:00 end: 2017-03-19 end time: 02:00 venue: Klunkerkranich city: Berlin country: DE coordinates: 52.4821, 13.4311 tags: Bar Musik Tanz aufdemDach dance music rooftopbar links: Facebook Veranstaltungsseite https://www.facebook.com/events/1147535168692880/ description: high as a kite welcome back to the klunker klub - Ece Özel (minimüzikhol / Istanbul - Turkey) https://soundcloud.com/the-ransom-note/ece-ozel-the-shine-a-light-on-mix Andre Gardeja (Freizeitglauben Berlin / Klunkerkranich) https://soundcloud.com/andre-gardeja Bonze & Krösus b2b Das Sloth (Klunkerkranich) https://soundcloud.com/bonzeundkroesus EBM66 (Klunkerkranich) no clouds // from 4pm