title: Tropical Timewarp at Klunkerkranich start: 2017-10-29 start time: 16:00 venue: Klunkerkranich city: Berlin country: DE coordinates: 52.4821, 13.4311 tags: Bar Musik Tanz aufdemDach dance music rooftopbar links: Facebook Veranstaltungsseite https://www.facebook.com/events/182214702348416/ description: Tropical Timewarp back for another afternoon and evening session on the roof.. On the wheels of steel for this one: Speckman ( Golden Pudel - Hamburg ) https://soundcloud.com/speckman1 BestMate? ( Tropical Timewarp - Berlin/London ) https://soundcloud.com/isthatyourbestmate Freak Ass E ( FreakOuternational / X.A.CUTE - Berlin ) https://www.mixcloud.com/FreakAssE/ Wuzi Khan ( X.A.CUTE - Berlin ) http://www.xacute.bandcamp.com/ Tropical - Afro - Electronic - Dub - Contemporary - Vintage & Beyond www.tropicaltimewarp.org - https://www.mixcloud.com/Tropical_Timewarp/