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History of changes of: Money Talks #8: Platform Coop Funding Strategies on the 9th January 2020

Created on Nov. 19, 2019, 12:24 p.m. UTC by ivan
Reason given: added by an importer
title: Money Talks #8: Platform Coop Funding Strategies
start: 2020-01-09
start time: 18:30
end time: 21:00
tags: SUPERMARKT-Berlin Workshop collaboration community coops money society technology
In this upcoming Money Talk we will investigate available funding sources for Platform Coops – in Europe and beyond. SUPERMARKT co-founder Ela Kagel will present the results of a research across different cultures and countries. 
What is a platform coop?
Platform cooperatives are businesses that use a website, mobile app, or protocol to sell goods or services. They rely on democratic decision-making and shared ownership of the platform by workers and users. For more infos check the international platform coop consortium website. 
Why do we need to talk about platform coop funding?
At least in Germany, there are only very few funding sources for coops. In other European countries, coop grants and other funding structures are slowly emerging. In this workshop we want to explore the most promising international funding sources and how to best tackle business models and finance plan in order to secure funds for different sorts of cooperative endeavours. 
Language: English and German. We’ll do our best to juggle both languages.
Admission is free of charge. Booking is essential. 
Please sign up here: 