title: European Summer Party 2018 start: 2018-06-16 start time: 17:00 venue: Schwarzkopf-Stiftung, Paulinenhof city: Berlin country: DE coordinates: 52.5263, 13.3994 tags: Hoffest Schwarzkopf-Stiftung links: Sommerfest https://schwarzkopf-stiftung.de/en/events/europaeisches-hoffest-2018/ description: Date & Time 16/06/2018, 17:00 Location Paulinenhof der Schwarzkopf-Stiftung Sophienstr. 28-29 - Berlin We will celebrate our annual Summer Party at the courtyard of the Schwarzkopf Foundation with guests from all over Europe. Save the date and join us! ... https://schwarzkopf-stiftung.de/en/events/europaeisches-hoffest-2018/