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The Climate Collage Facilitator’s Training


⚠ ATTENTION: Reserved for people who have already participated in the Climate Collage workshop (in any language).

a) Not the case? Here you go:
b) Yes? Perfect, please keep on reading 🙂

Learning how to run a Climate Collage workshop means to become part of our movement that aims to raise awareness about climate change around the world.
After this 3-hours training course you will be equipped with everything you have to know to facilitate a workshop all by yourself!
On the program:

A Brief History Of The Climate Collage (its creation and objectives, how and when to use it, how to get started and where to find the right information)
Review of the game + deeper analysis of the links between all cards
The role of the facilitator
Tips & Tricks on how to conduct the final debrief

Practical information

Duration: 3 hours
Software: Zoom + Mural (login instructions will be sent by email) Don’t forget to check your spam!
This facilitator’s training will be held in English.
We advice you to print the cards (in your local language) so that you can have a closer look during the training. 🙂

Please be on the time – climate change is not waiting for better weather!
See you soon! 🙂



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