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Webinar – English The Climate Collage chairing workshop


Become a Climate Collage ambassador and learn how to chair a workshop to educate everyone about climate change.


If you are based in France, you need to have attended a Climate Collage workshop as a participant prior to attending this train the trainer session (see workshop dates).
If you are based somewhere else, we strongly recommend that you participate in a workshop as a participant before if you can, but we welcome anyone who is interested in joining the Climate Collage workshop and using its resources. We ask that you create your account on the website’s login section (, download the self training guide, and read it before the training session.
By default, any time indicated is GMT+2 (Paris time).

In this training session we will present the Climate Collage network and resources, replay the Climate Collage briefly and discuss the cards and relationships in more detail, learn more about the non-profit organisation supporting the game, the Creative Commons licence and what it implies, and share tips about facilitation, especially for the final discussion of the workshop. At the end of the session you will be ready to run a workshop on your own!
The training is 3-hour long; please feel free to prepare a little snack if you feel like.

Presentation of the game and the Climate Collage network
Abridged version of a Climate Collage workshop + deeper analysis of the links between all cards.
Open discussion about the objectives of the workshops, and how to conduct the final debrief.

We will send you a link a few days before the training.
Note: this session will be held if a minimum number of 8 participants register. In the case that it should be cancelled, your registration will be transferrable to another workshop without any additional fee.
Note about Eventbrite’s refund policy: Eventbrite no longer refunds their service fees. If you ask for a refund that you are entitled to, you will only get refunded the organiser’s share of the fee.




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