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History of changes of: Harvard Hillel Women's megillah reading on Purim morning on the 8th March 2012

Created on Feb. 6, 2018, 4:28 p.m. UTC by a former user
Reason given: added by an importer
title: Harvard Hillel Women's megillah reading on Purim morning
start: 2012-03-08
start time: 07:30
end time: 10:30
venue: Harvard Hillel
city: Cambridge (MA)
country: US
coordinates: 42.3714, -71.1174
tags: JOFA feminism feminismo feminismus intersectional jofaorg womenrights womensvisibilty
    Facebook event page
Harvard Hillel is hosting a women's megillah reading at 7:30 a.m., with babysitting provided. Please sign up for a perek so that we can be assured that the megilla reading will happen.  If you have never read megilla, we can help you out! 
Sign up here: