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History of changes of: Prevent Bullying! VetoViolence Twitter Live Chat on the 20th March 2012

Created on Jan. 26, 2018, 2:04 p.m. UTC by a former user
Reason given: added by an importer
title: Prevent Bullying! VetoViolence Twitter Live Chat
start: 2012-03-20
start time: 15:00
end time: 16:00
tags: cdcVetoViolence feminism feminismo feminismus nomoreviolence stopViolence vetoviolence womenrights
    Facebook event page
CDC’s Injury Center will be hosting a VetoViolence Twitter Live Chat about the importance of bullying prevention, the value of programs, policies, and practices based upon the best available evidence, and resources available to assist parents and schools in their prevention and intervention efforts. 

We invite you to join CDC experts and these partners in this important discussion:
• Anti-Defamation League (, 
• Health Resources and Services Administration ( 
• Department of Education ( 

For additional details on the event and how to participate, visit To learn more about bullying prevention and available resources, visit