title: 1月WoMenTalk: 勞權起步走 Equality in the Workplace start: 2018-01-24 start time: 19:00 end time: 21:00 venue: 創咖啡 TRUST CAFÉ city: Taipei country: TW coordinates: 25.061, 121.5424 tags: feminism feminismo feminismus womenrights womens-march womensmarch womensmarchtaiwan 台灣女性長征 女权主义 links: Página Facebook del evento https://www.facebook.com/events/162194177751185/ description: 【1月 WoMenTalk】: 勞權起步走 💼 🙋♀️ 你有多了解職場內的勞工權益呢?你認為職場內性別平等嗎? 數據顯示,每3位18-34歲的女性就有1位遭受過職場性騷擾,我們周遭也有許多朋友提起曾在職場內受過不舒服的待遇。所以,這個月WoMenTalk特別邀請到資深性別和勞工權益推動者姚胤宏在聚會介紹現在的勞動法律與勞動環境狀況。歡迎來聽聽或分享自己的經驗或對職場性別的想法喔~ 【January WoMenTalk】:Equality in the Workplace 💼🙋♀️ How well do you know about workers rights in Taiwan? Do you think there is gender inequality in the workplace? Do you know that 1 in 3 women ages 18 to 34 have been sexually harassed at work? Join us to share your thoughts on equality in the work-place! Our special guest, workers rights and gender equality advocate, Nick Yao will also introduce Taiwan’s workers’ rights policies at this month's WoMenTalk. _________________________ 👫👬👭「WoMenTalk,我們談談」是Women’s March Taiwan 每月舉辦一次的聚會。不只歡迎Women, 也歡迎Men和所有性別,只要對性別、女性權益、人權等議題有興趣的人,都歡迎參加!因為我們本來就是希望能建立一個,不論你的身份背景、不論你對議題多理解,都可以來分享、聽聽或是來喝一杯的輕鬆友善場合。每一個月WoMen Talk都會依照近期時事訂出不同主題。 - 👫👬👭 WoMenTalk is Women’s March Taiwan’s monthly gathering, in which we discuss and explore women’s rights, gender, and social issues in a casual manner. This gathering is open to everyone, regardless of your background and identity. Whether you are just interested in the topic, to have a drink, or to make new friends, this will be a great place for you to be! Let’s make the first move by starting the conversation.