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History of changes of: Radical Bookclub: Women & Class on the 30th January 2017

Created on Jan. 15, 2018, 1:01 p.m. UTC by a former user
Reason given: added by an importer
title: Radical Bookclub: Women & Class
start: 2017-01-30
start time: 19:30
end time: 21:00
venue: Marx Memorial Library
city: London
country: GB
coordinates: 51.5229, -0.1056
tags: femiagenda femiagendalondon feminism feminisminlondon feminismo feminismus feministevents womenrights
    Página Facebook del evento
This month London Radical Bookclub will be reading three very short texts:

1. An article by Mary Davies, 'Working class women and the labour movement in the 19th and 20th centuries'

2. Engel's Origin of family, private property and the state: second section of chapter IX

3. Abdullah Ocalan - Liberating Life: Women's revolution

All welcome - get in contact if you want paper copies of any of the above texts which can be arranged.

Join us for an informal chat over nibbles and wine.