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History of changes of: Feminist Fightback is 10: Birthday Party on the 8th December 2017

Created on Jan. 15, 2018, 12:56 p.m. UTC by a former user
Reason given: added by an importer
title: Feminist Fightback is 10: Birthday Party
start: 2017-12-08
start time: 20:00
end: 2017-12-09
end time: 00:00
venue: East London - venue details will be emailed to you after you register on EventBrite
tags: femiagenda femiagendalondon feminism feminisminlondon feminismo feminismus feministevents womenrights
    Página Facebook del evento
This year marks a decade since the Feminist Fightback collective was formed. We'd love you to come and celebrate our 10th birthday with us. Expect birthday cake, plenty of celebratory punch and music from the amazing Girl Germs.

Bring revolutionary spirit and your dancing shoes. Sisters and comrades of all genders very welcome. 

(You need to register via EventBrite - but it is of course free).


Safe space statement: There will be zero tolerance of harassment, unwanted touching, stalking or any form of abuse or discrimination based on race, gender, disability, sexuality, religion or nationality. People who fail to adhere to these guidelines will be asked to leave. There will be safety monitors on duty throughout the night who can be approached at any time if someone feels unsafe or unwell.