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History of changes of: Minneapolis SoundGirls Chapter - Tour First Ave - with Lead Engineer Greg Huber on the 20th June 2016

Created on April 9, 2018, 8:01 a.m. UTC by Julia Brenner
Reason given: added by an importer
title: Minneapolis SoundGirls Chapter - Tour First Ave - with Lead Engineer Greg Huber
start: 2016-06-20
start time: 15:00
venue: First Ave 701 N 1st Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403
tags: Soundgirls feminism feminismo feminismus womeninaudio womenmusic
    Facebook Veranstaltungsseite
First Ave Audio System Walk Through with Lead Engineer: Greg Huber
Address: 701 N 1st Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403
Date: June 20, 2016
Time: 3:00pm
Contact: Holly Latcham - 320-420-9743
Meet: In Depot Tavern next door for venue access by 2:45pm