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History of changes of: The Disappearing Girl: Our Culture and Eating Disorders webinar on the 11th May 2011

Created on Feb. 23, 2018, 10:07 a.m. UTC by a former user
Reason given: added by an importer
title: The Disappearing Girl: Our Culture and Eating Disorders webinar
start: 2011-05-11
start time: 15:00
end time: 16:30
tags: Feminism Feminismo Feminismus GirlsRock HGHW HardyGirlsHealthyWomen criticalthinking empowerment knowledge
    Página Facebook del evento
Media, peers, and even parents send teenage girls dangerously conflicting messages about what it means to look and act just right and to be good, hip, attractive, and desired. In this webinar, Dr. Lisa Machoian explores messages about body image in our culture, why silence reflects a girl’s desperate wish for inclusion not isolation, and how we can help girls find hope.  Teaching a girl to read her own culture with a critical eye can derail her from the dangerous path that leads to eating disorders.  Learn how to help her cope, and to build a positive and strong sense of self, identity and character.