Parallel to the start of the second Platform Coops Now! course, we will launch a new series of online community calls which focus on the course contents and presenting emerging platform cooperatives.
Calling coopreneurs, platform coop enthusiasts and activists for more equitable futures, especially those who are interested in learning about platform cooperativism and what it takes to build a platform coop!
Please join us for our upcoming community call in which we will focus on both one specific project in each call, using the Case Clinic framework as a great way to dive into the complexities and opportunities of a platform coop endeavour.
In this upcoming session we’d like you to introduce yourselves and your existing coop, project, idea or need you bring to the course. We will give you an introduction into the case clinics framework and provide the chance for each of you to engage in this form of p2p consultancy.
Next call on Thursday, November 11th: Introductions, overview on course contents, questions & answers, updates on platforming coop projects.
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
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