<p>Tired of thinking that its expensive or complicated to print your ownimages in posters or all the t-shirsh in your closet? Do you really wanna nowhow many thinks can you create in a small space with a minimun budget?</p><p>….of cours you want it!</p><p>What you will learn?</p><p>In this workshop you will learn how to build in your home, room, underyour table or in a rewe trolley your own screen printing space.</p><p>You will learn how to build your frame with upcycled wood, because yes,you could buy it but…lets do it more punk please?</p><p>You will learn how to print your favourite image over fabric or paper, because we want to take thepuclic space no matter in wich way! With a lot of love and rage.</p><p>And after the workshop you will leave happy as hell with your image andyour frame ready for show to the world how much creative you are!</p><p>We also will drink tee and we will enjoy a nice snack, we will laugh andwe will fight the system -because its always welcome-</p><p>The most real punk way to create a usefull and practical space to workand print and let flow your magical imagination.</p><p>All material included</p><p>Duration. 3-4 hours</p><p>Bring your own garment to transform!</p><p>Take this opportunity, im not famous yet! So the price its fair!</p>
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