Yoga is the science of union of body, mind, and spirit. Yoga Essence Rishikesh welcomes all the aspiring yoga teachers, practitioners, and seekers for 200-hour holistic yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh, India.
This 200-hour holistic yoga teacher training certification at Yoga Essence Rishikesh is one of the most comprehensive, experiential, and transformational yoga teacher training courses in the world. Through this practical curriculum and scientific teaching, they create a solid foundation for teaching yoga skillfully and effectively. Their teachings deeply embrace the holistic approach to the path of yoga by combining the ancient wisdom of traditional yoga with contemporary understandings and modern lifestyle.
This 200-hour holistic yoga teacher training course has been developed and designed in such a way that it cares the complete growth and transformation of participants and lay down foundation stone in their journey to advance in yoga practice and teaching to its next level.
The holistic yoga teacher training covers all aspects of human existence, i.e. body-breath-mind-heart-soul. It is imparted through numerous yogic practices like asana, pranayama, traditional and contemporary meditation practices, yoga Nidra, applied yoga philosophy, yoga anatomy, yoga therapy, mantra chanting, yogic cleansing processes (Shatkarma), self-development techniques, etc., in a truly yogic environment by highly trained faculties.
The holistic yoga teacher training course is a unique opportunity to experience and getting equipped to share the holistic approach to life in respect to health, happiness, harmony, peace, etc. This teacher training course also helps to become a holistic life coach in a true sense. Upon graduation, this yoga teacher training qualifies you to teach all over the world.
Yoga teachers of Yoga Essence Rishikesh possess deep experience, knowledge, and understanding, and their passion for teaching yoga means that they truly teach from their hearts. Together students and teachers create a sacred environment for learning and transformation. It creates a community atmosphere of like-minded individuals from around the world that support each another in living and experiencing holistic life and materializing their potential to the fullest.
An intensive and life-changing yoga teacher training course completely focused on a holistic and transformational aspect of life.
15 hours yoga Nidra sessions to deepen healing, relaxation, rejuvenation, and meditation.
Special classes on yoga therapy and stress management.
Many traditional and contemporary meditation practices to balance body mind heart and to experience meditation deeply.
Special active and passive meditation practices on chakras, Kundalini to awaken experience and expand energy body.
Silence days during the course to intensify transformation and experience of higher yogic practices.
Meditative excursions and meditation on mountain, nature, sacred places under the instruction and guidance of the teacher.
Audiovisual presentation of deeper insights on complex life issues by modern yogis to bring more clarity in the modern lifestyle.
Additional 50 hours meditation teacher training course with 200-hour yoga teacher training course.
Double certifications - 250 hours
200 hours yoga teacher training certification plus 50 hours meditation teacher training certification. As the 200-hour holistic yoga teacher training course is both Hatha yoga and meditation focused, hence the students will receive special training on many meditation practices. After completion of the course, you will receive two certifications. One certification is for 200 hours yoga teacher training and another certification is for 50 hours meditation teacher training so that you can able to teach both yoga and meditation all over the world.
Students who complete their subsequent trainings are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®).
Yoga Essence Rishikesh is an affiliated school of Yoga Alliance, USA and also Continuing Education Provider (YACEP). At the end of the training, you will get completion certificate of 200 hours yoga teacher training. This course will impart the experience and understanding of different yoga practices to such an extent that you will able to teach confidently and professionally. This course allows you to become registered with Yoga Alliance, the world’s most renowned yoga certifying authority with RYT-200 level.
Yoga Essence Rishikesh supports its graduate students on their teaching journey. They assure you that you will leave them with deeper joy, peace, understanding, and inner richness of life.
Evaluation and certification
Assessments for certification will be based on practical, written, and oral evaluation.
Student’s behavior and conducts will be a part of the certification assessment.
Written exam and evaluation will be carried out only for those students who have a minimum of 90% attendance.
Practice styles
Hatha yoga
Nada yoga
Mantra yoga
Yoga Nidra
Chakra meditation
Kundalini meditation
Mindfulness meditation
Osho active meditation
Who can join this holistic yoga training course?
This yoga training course is open to students of all yoga levels with the commitment towards personal inner journey and self-discovery. Hence, students with the desire to become yoga teachers and who wish to get an internationally recognized qualification can join. Students who do not wish to become yoga teachers but have a sincere longing to experience, transform, and deepen their understanding of life and yoga are also welcome.
Meditation practices on chakras and Kundalini
Kundalini, chakras, and nadis are the prime and most essential components of the energy body (pranamaya Kosha). For higher yogic practices, the study of energy anatomy and their effect on physical, mental, and spiritual levels are needed to understand and experience the chakra system, Kundalini, and Nadis. This holistic yoga teacher training course includes many meditation practices on chakra and Kundalini to balance, unblock, re-align, and activate them. These meditation techniques based on sound, breathing, guided instructions, visualization, and mantras that intensify the awareness and awakening of the different chakras and Kundalini.
Silent days
In the middle of the yoga teacher training course, the students will undergo into three days of silence to intensify the experiential and transformational aspect of the higher yoga. The silent days are for personal growth and self-transformation but they are not mandatory.
Yoga philosophy
Yoga philosophy lays the basic foundation of all yoga practices. It is one of the important subjects and contains the core principles of various practices of holistic yoga teacher training course at Yoga Essence Rishikesh. It helps the students to understand the true essence of yoga and provides a guide map in their journey into the field of yoga. Hence those who are aspiring to become a yoga teacher must understand the roots of yoga practices first that lies in yoga philosophy. It includes:
Introduction, concept, meaning, and definition of yoga
The history and origin of yoga
Shad-Darshan, six-philosophies of India, Sankhya, and yoga philosophy
Panchkosha and Purusharthas
Conceptual understanding of Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Concept and practice of eight-fold path
Important Hatha yoga texts and their Salient features
Pre-requisites of yoga Sadhaka
Ethical guidelines of a yoga teacher
Asana: yoga postures with alignment and adjustment
Asanas are special patterns of postures that stabilize the mind and the body which prepare the participants for the higher practices of yoga. Students will gain extensive experience and knowledge of asana and will increase their strength, flexibility, stability, and discipline. It includes:
Suksma Vyayam - warm up and joint rotation
Pavanmuktasana series 1
Pavanmuktasana series 2
Pavanmuktasana series 3
Surya Namaskar
Makarasana - crocodile variations
Bhujangasana - cobra pose with variations
Setubandhasana - bridge pose
Ardha Halasana - half-plough pose
Saral Matsyasana - simple fish pose
Ardha Chandrasana - half moon pose
Marjarasana - cat pose
Vajrasana - thunderbolt
Balasana - child pose
Tadasana - palm tree pose
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Uttkatasana - chair pose
Triyak Tadasana - swaying palm tree pose
Trikonasana - triangle pose
Janushirsasana - seated head to knee
Vakrasana - spinal twist pose
Padahastasana - hand to feet pose
Ushtrasana - camel pose
Yoga mudra
Simhasana - lion pose
Chandra Namaskar
Naukasana - boat pose
Chakrasana - wheel pose
Halasana -p lough pose
Matsyasana - fish pose (in lotus pose)
Kati Chakrasana - waist rotating pose
Viparita Karni
Virbhadrasana - warrior pose - 1,2,3
Vriksasana - tree pose
Parvatasana - mountain pose
Adhomukha Svanasana - downward facing dog
Urdhvamukha Svanasana - upward facing dog
Garudasana - eagle pose
Baddha Konasana - bound angle pose
Rajkapoot asana - pigeon pose
Supta Virasana - reclining hero pose
Virasana - hero pose
Shirsasana - headstand pose
Pranayama, mudras, and bandhas
Pranayama, or yogic breath regulation practices, have got a very prominent place in Hatha yoga. It purifies the body-mind and prepares a solid foundation for higher yoga practices like Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyan, and Samadhi. These practices bring control over the respiratory impulses which form one of the channels of the flow of autonomic nerve impulses.
Pranayama sessions are conducted very systematically and scientifically to develop a holistic and comprehensive awakening to this potential form of consciousness and upward movement of energy.
Week 1
Introduction of pranayama, benefits of pranayama, general guidelines
Fundamental yogic breathing practices
Abdominal breathing
Thoracic breathing
Clavicular breathing
Kapalbhati pranayama
Nadi Shodhana - alternative nostril breathing
Ujjayi pranayama
Bhastrika pranayama
Bhramari pranayama
Surya Bhedana pranayama
Chandra Bhedana pranayama
Sheetali and Sheetkari pranayama
Mudras - yogic gestures
The practice of mudra gestures is an ancient facet of yoga. Performing gestures affects the energy flow of the body and channelize that energy for higher consciousness.
Jnana mudra
Chin mudra
Yoni mudra
Bhairava mudra
Shambhavi mudra
Khechari mudra
Bandhas - energy lock
Bandhas are specially used in pranayama and advanced asana practices to activate Kundalini, chakras, and to give upward direction to the energy through major nadis, the energy channels.
Uddiyana bandha
Jalandhar bandha
Moola bandha
Maha bandha
Mantra chanting - intonation of sacred sound
Yoga says the first manifestation of unmanifest existence is sound, often referred to as space or silence. It is said that sound is the very heartbeat of the universe. Hence it is very easy to experience the silence and space through mantras. Mantras activate many dormant energy centers in the body and brain so that the energy can be used to move into higher yogic practices. Each mantra is special and rich with spiritual energy.
Universal prayer mantra
Class beginning prayer mantra
Om Jap - Om recitation
Gayatri mantra
Trayambakam or Maha Mrityunjaya mantra
Om Mani Padme Hum
Maha mantra
Dharana and Dhyan - concentration and meditation
Yoga is the science of union of body, mind, and spirit. Meditation is considered to be the most supreme phenomenon as far as the union with reality is concerned. This meditative awareness, attention, or observation becomes the central thread or core practice of all eight limbs of yoga.
This is the practice involving control of the mental functions which start from the initial withdrawal of the senses from external objects and internalize the awareness to the subtle realm of existence. Meditation is one of key practices and specialization of Yoga Essence Rishikesh.
Yoga Essence Rishikesh teaches numerous meditation and mindfulness practices from different traditions, paths, and schools during holistic yoga teacher training course. The major styles are the following:
Hatha yoga
Nada yoga
Mantra yoga
Nidra yoga
Osho meditation
Chakra and Kundalini meditations
Yoga Nidra
The whole science of yoga has been developed to transform the unconscious pattern of life into a conscious pattern and get rid of conditioning and traumas that make life miserable. Yoga Nidra is one of the higher yogic practices that starts with relaxation to release deep-rooted stress, strains of body-mind, brings out a deep sense of rejuvenation, induces healing at physical, mental, and emotional level.
It is a guided meditation practice that allows experiencing meditation and state of expanding consciousness. Yoga Nidra is also one of the specialized practices of Yoga Essence Rishikesh. In this holistic yoga teacher training course, you will experience around 15 hours of yoga Nidra.
Yoga anatomy and yoga therapy
Contemporary knowledge and understanding of human organism along with the ancient yogic wisdom help greatly to the students to do the yoga practices on a scientific basis and as per yogic principles. Yoga anatomy classes allow students to gain a basic knowledge about the human body, its most important systems, and their role in yoga. It includes:
Introduction to anatomy and physiology
Yoga in view of anatomy and physiology
Major systems of human body and their role in yoga
Applied yoga anatomy
Yoga injuries: injuries due to faulty yogic practices
Yoga as a therapy
Yoga and stress management
Teaching methodology and teaching practicum - learning the art of teaching
Certain skill and good teaching methodology can change the whole teaching in a classroom situation. Teaching methodology for yoga practices is an important subject of yoga teacher training program. Students should have a firm grasp of the principles, practices, and procedures involved in teaching classes.
Upon successful graduation, students will learn the necessary procedures and techniques involved in teaching a class. There is a “stepping stone” process for learning how to teach. It includes:
Principles and procedures of teaching in the classroom
Art of demonstrations, assistance, and correction
Creative sequential of yoga practices
Incorporating yoga philosophy into a physical flow
Structuring the classes uniquely and lesson plan
Daily schedule
05:30 Wake up
06:15 Shatkarma (yogic cleansing)
06:45 Hatha yoga and pranayama
08:30 Breakfast
10:00 Meditation practice (Patanjali / Buddha / Osho)
11:45 Yoga Nidra session / active meditation
13:15 Lunch
15:00 Yoga anatomy and yoga therapy
16:00 Karma yoga
16:15 Meditation practice (Osho / Shiva)
17:40 Tea break
18:00 Applied yoga philosophy / yogic lifestyle / ethics
20:00 Group mantra chanting / meditation / kirtan
20:15 Dinner
22:00 Lights Off
Please note: the daily schedule is subject to change.
Code of conducts
To build a true foundation of yoga and to get the maximum result from various yoga practices, Yama (the social code of conducts), Niyama (personal code of conducts) are integral parts of learning. They expect the following code of conducts to be maintained by the students during holistic yoga teacher training course at Yoga Essence Rishikesh:
Discipline is an integral part of the holistic yoga teacher training course and so the course routine must be observed by the students throughout the day.
Disrespect to rules and regulations could result in termination of studentship with no refund of the course fee.
Absenting yourself from the scheduled program without prior permission of the teacher or manager concerned would be construed as a gross breach of discipline.
Ensure you are on time for class or you will not be permitted to enter any class once it has commenced.
The Yoga Essence Rishikesh does not make arrangements for guests of students. No friends or relatives are allowed to stay with yoga students without prior permission from the management.
Positive, team-oriented, optimistic attitude is a requirement for all students. Disruptive, rude, or negative behavior will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the course.
A student must intimate in advance if they intend to forgo a meal so that there is no wastage of food.
Before departure from Yoga Essence Rishikesh, students must clear all dues and return all library books, if taken.
Smoking, alcohol, and illegal drugs are not permitted during the training. Students who cannot comply with this rule will be asked to leave with no refund of the course fee.
Code of ethics
Yoga Essence Rishikesh acknowledge the sensitive nature of the student-teacher relationship and recognize that ethical behavior is the foundation of all good yoga practice and yoga teacher training. They believe that it is the responsibility of the yoga teachers to ensure a safe and protected environment in which a student can grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
As teachers of the yoga teacher training programs at Yoga Essence Rishikesh, teachers agree to uphold the highest professional standards as set forth in the following code of ethics.
They welcome all students with respect and friendliness and do not discriminate against or refuse professional help to anyone on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin.
They make only realistic statements regarding the benefits of yoga, make responsible decisions to determine if and when they can assist a student, and use their yogic knowledge and skills only for their benefit.
They establish and maintain professional relationship boundaries at all times.
They understand that all forms of sexual behavior or harassment with students is unethical, and use only appropriate methods of touch when assisting students.
They conduct their public and private affairs with honesty in all financial, material, emotional, and spiritual interactions.
They respect the rights, dignity, and privacy of all students, and treat all communications from students with professional confidence.
2nd March 2019 | Starting Date |
26th March 2019 | Ending Date |
1st March 2019 | 00:00 - 23:59 | 25 Days 200-Hour Holistic Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India |
1st March 2019 | 00:00 - 23:59 | yoga in india |
yogaessence01 edited the event , history | 6 years, 1 month ago |
yogaessence01 created the event | 6 years, 1 month ago |