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Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years 1984 1992

At Bernie Grant Arts Centre, London, United Kingdom
On 27th April 2018 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.


Audre Lorde: The Berlin Years 1984-1992 (EVERY FRIDAY IN APRIL)

1h 21min | Documentary, Biography |

Audre Lorde, the highly influential, award-winning African-American lesbian poet came to live in West Berlin in the ‘80s and early '90s. She was the mentor and catalyst who helped ignite the Afro-German movement, while challenging white women to acknowledge and constructively use their privileges. With her active support, a whole generation of writers and poets gave voice to their unique experience as people of colour in Germany for the first time. This documentary contains previously unreleased material from director Dagmar Schultz's archives including stunning images of Audre Lorde off stage. Alongside interviews from Lorde's colleagues and friends, this film documents Lorde's lasting legacy in Germany and the impact of her work and personality.

Tickets £7 in advance and £9 on the door.



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Bernie Grant Arts Centre 
United Kingdom