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遊行行前座談【為什麼支持女權 / Women's Rights 101】

At 創咖啡 TRUST CAFÉ, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China
On 3rd March 2018 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.


【台灣女性大遊行行前座談】: 為什麼支持女權? Women's Rights 101

「為什麼支持女性權益」座談以小型互動模式進行,結束後還有和特邀嘉賓們小組交流討論的環節喔!為了cover場地費,每人收費200元~ 現場會提供茶水和零食唷~

Women Rights 101 panel discussion will look at women's issues in Taiwan and around the world in a local and international scope. After the panel, you will have the opportunity to participate in small group discussions with special guests. Whether you have already read deeply on women’s rights or have no knowledge on the subject, everyone is welcome! Admission fee is 200ntd, drinks and snacks provided~


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Province of China