We open this year's Feminism & Tech series with a focus on the importance of Feminist Consciousness in the conversation, with an introduction to the concept of Consciousness Raising (CR) from Feminist Library's Gail Chester and - putting it in the context of tech - Magda Oldziejewska. We are also inviting speakers from Met University and UAL, who are doing research on the topic of experiences of women in tech and starting their own women in tech groups at uni, Inspiring Women and AnitaB.org (speakers to be confirmed).
We are inviting you to join the discussions and help us design new initiatives for tackling the problems that women still face in tech.
Schedule of the day:
12-1:30 Introduction to CR, theory and practice, followed by open discussion - Gail Chester, Magda Oldziejewska (others tbh)
1:30-2:15 Lunch break
2:15-3:00 Feminist Library tech tour
3:00-4:30 Workshop - Help us design initiatives to promote women in tech & more feminist tech!
*The event is free but please donate generously. The Feminist Library strives to make its events accessible to all, but does not receive any statutory funding and relies mostly on donations for its survival. To donate online or find out more about other ways you can help, go to:
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