Event #3 We Are Everywhere: Women's Self Defence in the Face of Global Violence
At a time when there are still so many forms of violence directed towards women, the notion of self-defence must be discussed and debated. For many women it is a matter of life and death. The systematic and structural oppression of women has a long history, with systems of patriarchal power intersecting with racialised capitalism. In 2014, the world watched the historic resistance of Kurdish women in Rojava against ISIS. While this armed resistance was happening, the women of Rojava were simultaneously building structures for a democratic, ecological and gender-equal society. Last year the women’s movement exploded in Latin America against gendered violence against women, under the banner of Ni Una Menos. In Britain, the rates of domestic violence and partner abuse are so high that on average two women die per week at the hands of current or former partners.
The Women’s Strike is an opportunity to learn from women’s struggles taking place across the world and to help nourish an anti-racist and anti-colonial feminist movement in the UK.
Further events in the programme:
Event #4: Women's Bodies, Sex and Violence - 13 Feb at Shoreditch Church
Women’s Strike Assembly (London) is hosting a series of events to discuss and debate the politics of the women’s strike planned for 8 March 2018 and the growing international feminist movement. The focus of these events is on women’s struggles and our campaigns for gender, racial and economic justice. If you want to get involved in organising for the women’s strike or want to start your own strike assembly at your workplace or in your community, get in touch or come along to one of these events. Childcare will be provided at all events and children are also welcome to attend events.
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