‘Nothing is worse or more dangerous to a man or the world he inhabits than believing beauty to be anything less than a goddess.’ - Mac Macartney, Finding Earth, Finding Soul.
What would happen if we really believed that beauty is a goddess? How might change-makers work differently if their projects arose from their innermost experience of beauty? What practices could help bring us closer to this? What role do men have to play in reawakening our collective reverence for the divine feminine, and what can a man’s journey within his own feminine nature teach us about what our world needs now?
Join author and change-maker Mac Macartney for the launch event in a new series exploring the contribution of the feminine at a time of global crisis.
About Mac Macartney:
An international speaker, writer and change-maker, Mac is also the founder of Embercombe, the centre for leadership and learning with a mission to catalyse the emergence of leaders and change-makers for a just, peaceful and sustainable future. Over a period of twenty years Mac was mentored by a group of indigenous elders. During this training and ever since, he has attempted to bring two worlds together – an ancient world-view that emphasises relationship, interdependence, and reverence for life with the significant challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century. Mac works with leaders across all walks of life – from business to education – inspiring them to put up their hand and join the chorus of people who are singing alive the world of our longing. He was a faculty member of the WWF/IMD Business School ‘One Planet Leaders’ programme in Lausanne for three years and received an Honorary Doctorate in Education from Plymouth University for his work in service to community. In 2016 Mac co-founded Liquid School, a network of experts helping organisations imagine a sustainable future. He sits on the Advisory Board for DanoneWave, the largest Public Benefit Corporation in the U.S., is an RSA fellow and an Associate with Leaders’ Quest, collaborating on global issues with leaders across business, government and civil society. http://macmacartney.com
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