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Queer New Beginning: Full Moon Storytelling + Open Mic

At New Women Space, Brooklyn (NY), United States
On 31st January 2018 8 p.m. - 10 p.m.


QUEER NEW BEGINNING is us celebrating the new year with our fam. It is a v soft evening of soulful storytelling exploring what we are letting go of and what we are calling in.

Headliner storytellers:
Jess X Snow
Zoraida Ingles
Kay Ulanday Barrett
Eddie Maisonet

+ 5 minute open mic slots available for sign up at the event

This event is a collab between Collective Sex + bklyn boihood.
All bodies, identities, and experiences are welcome to attend! However, this event prioritizes the voices of QTPOC (queer, trans, people of color) when it comes to storytelling.

+++ About your $10 ticket purchase +++
1/3 of ticket sales support New Women Space
1/3 support Collective Sex and bklyn boihood to continue producing these events
1/3 of sales are split among our featured performers
**No one will be denied entry due to finances.**

+++ A note about accessibility +++
New Women Space has two levels, one on the ground floor and one in the basement. There is a bathroom on each floor.
The event will take place in the basement. There is no elevator and there are approximately 15 steps to get to the basement.
We will also be live streaming the event on the ground floor.
There will be 1-2 candles burning in the and small amounts of sage smoke in the basement.
If there are any questions about access please Poppy at

+++ About Collective Sex +++
Our mission is to decolonize queer and femme stories about body, sex, love and healing through art and community.

+++ About bklyn boihood +++
Our mission is to create spaces where black, brown queer and trans bois* and our communities can cultivate stories, dreams and creative work.

+++ About New Women Space +++
Our mission is to create positive and lasting impact in our communities through the power of in-person gatherings. We exist to provide a place for those who feel called to serve and/or share something new with their communities.


Web links

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