* CONFERENCE & LUNCH at TSU Avon Williams Campus Atrium,
330 10th Ave N, Nashville, 37203. 8:00 am - 1:30 pm.
Registration required. Scholarships available. Childcare available.
Lunch included. Register Now at www.tnpowertogether.org*
* MARCH 2:00 pm Meet at Public Square Park, 1 Public Square,
Nashville, 37243. Expect crowds, arrive early.
* RALLY begins at 3:00pm at Bicentennial Mall,
600 James Robertson Pkwy, Nashville, 37243.
CALL TO ACTION: #PowerToThePolls
On January 20, 2018, the one year anniversary of the Women’s March, we are calling on you to participate in "Women’s March 2.0: Power Together TN" in Nashville, TN. This event is a MORNING CONFERENCE, CAUCUS LUNCHEONS AND MARCH TO AN AFTERNOON RALLY. Childcare is available. Please register now.
See the full schedule at www.tnpowertogether.org.
Our Women's March - Power Together TN CONFERENCE!
We knew that marching would not be enough to kick us off for 2018, which is a midterm election year and a time to transform our anger into something more powerful, transcendent and sustainable. We need to go big!
Thousands will choose to attend the conference for an entire day of activism, and thousands more will join us for the march and rally for free. TICKETS ARE FOR THE CONFERENCE AND CAUCUS LUNCHEONS. Scholarships are available.
If you are attending the conference, march, or rally (or all three!), mark GOING on this FB invite. If you are going to the conference and luncheon, be sure to register NOW at www.tnpowertogether.org and click REGISTER. We believe cost should never keep anyone from participating: Scholarships are available.
**Artivism - The role of creativity in social justice; artistic voice = activist voice; using music, dance, theater, film, visual and performance arts for civic engagement
**Faith and Spirituality- Dealing with trauma; spiritual and moral life of progressives; self-care to stave off burnout; people of faith; values and politics
**Grassroots Organizing - Skills-building; understanding and managing power; direct action; ensuring safety and security at demonstrations
**Youth - Leadership development; connecting campuses throughout the state
**Legislative Skills and Issues - How bills become law; how to lobby; dealing with legislators; specific issues impacting women, communities of color, youth LGBTQ+, individuals with disabilities, indigenous communities, the earth and our environment etc...
**Understanding Elections - Voter registration; how to become a candidate; Get Out The Vote
CAUCUS LUNCHES are included in conference registration. You can choose from several lunches including Women of Color; #MeToo; LGBTQIA; Youth (High School and College); and East, West, and Middle TN caucuses.
Since that day in November when we sat in disbelief watching our televisions turn the electoral map red and then woke to the horror of a presidency of bigotry and reckless tweets, we decided as a nation that we weren’t giving in. We have seen a nation come to life full of advocacy and protest. We have taken to the street to fight for justice for our immigrant neighbors and stopped Congress from repealing the Affordable Care Act. In one year we’ve seen women stand up to the power of Hollywood and say that we will not tolerate sexual harassment or sexual assault anymore. More women are running for political office than ever before. We have taken a stand against hatred in its most evil form and pushed it from of our town squares and out of our state. We have worked hard, but this isn’t the time to quit. The fight has just begun. We have much to do as the 2018 midterms are coming and this is the time to organize. This is our time! #PowerToThePolls
We look forward to seeing you there!
The Team at Women's March - Power Together Tennessee
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