Hi Everyone!
Here are the details we have for BUSES, PARKING, FOOD, and TEE-SHIRTS UPDATE, and MARCH ROUTE...
Buses coming in from out of town: Drop people off at 240 Fall Street, Seneca Falls, NY 13148. Buses should then go to the high school (Mynderse Academy) at 105 Troy Street to park and wait for you.
Shuttles: (2 are Wheelchair Accessible)
Shuttles will make stops at...
Corner of Clinton and Fall Streets
240 Fall Street
*The Tops Grocery Plaza Parking:
1963 Rt 5&20. (Seaway Plaza)
*The Tractor Supply Plaza Parking:
2109 Rt 5&20 (Liberty Plaza)
*Mynderse Academy
*Generations Bank at 20 East Bayard St.
Shuttles will run from 8:30am to 2:30pm.
Parking: Basically, park anywhere you can find a spot, as long as it's legal. Parking where the shuttles can bring you in the rest of the way is a great idea unless you arrive early. (How early? It's hard to say as we won't truly know our numbers until that day.)
Food: There will be an enhanced Continental Breakfast at The Gould Hotel for $5 beginning at 7:00 am the morning of the March. Potatoes and Molasses will have a food truck as well. Hospitality Concepts will offer food truck fare at the Community Center from 11:30-2:30 on January 20, 2018. Cafe 19 will be open and have food for folks to purchase in the parking lot of Generations Bank. Wildflowers Cafe (77 Fall St.) is offering a 10% discount all day. Best to BRING CASH because of WIFI CONTRAINTS. :) But PLEASE BRING FOOD if you are at all concerned about not having a chance to get the nutrition you need that day.
Tee-Shirts: If you missed out on getting a Seneca Falls Women March Per-Sister shirt, you may still order one to be shipped to you. For a limited time, visit http://www.womanmadeproducts.com/qs3/products.php?pid=627&detail=true to order yours.These are the OFFICIAL Women March in Seneca Falls2018 March and Rally Tee-Shirts! (Any others are not ours and not approved by us.) All RESERVED tee-shirts to be picked up at Woman Made Products on Fall St.
March Route: Step off at WRNHP corner of Fall and Mynderse
March down Fall to State St
Turn left onto State
March to and turn right on So Park
March then turn right onto Cayuga St and march to Fall St
Turn right onto Fall St and march to Water Street Hill down to Community Center.
Lastly, thank you thank you thank you from the bottoms of our hearts to those of you who have contributed to our 19Campaign. We still are not where we need to be to be able to make this the best day possible for you, so if you would like to contribute, please go to https://www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/women-march-in-seneca-falls-19-campaign
If you prefer to write a check, the address is:
WILL (Women in Leadership and Learning)
PO Box 685
Seneca Falls NY 13148
Lastly lastly! You are all ROCKSTARS and we are so charged by your love and enthusiasm. We are per-SISTERS, and we are STRONG, and we are making our world a better place. Thank you for marching with us!!!
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