Unámonos al Movimiento Mundial de Mujeres, en Defensa de sus Derechos y los Derechos Humanos.
Demostremos nuestro deseo de paz y justicia.
También marchamos por Honduras, migrantes y refugiados en diversas partes del mundo y por el peligro que enfrenta el proceso de paz en Colombia.
Movimiento en Costa Rica que convoca a manifestarse el sábado 20 de enero del 2018, en apoyo al movimiento mundial para el respeto y la igualdad de las mujeres.
Traiga su propio cartel o use un cartel que ya tenemos preparado, y un emblema color rosado, y llegue antes de las 10 am, frente al Correo Central.
Join the World Women's Movement, in defense of their rights and the rights of others.
Let us show our desire for peace and justice.
We march also for Honduras, migrants and refugees in various parts of the world, and for the danger that confronts the peace process in Colombia.
Bring your own sign or use one that we have already made for you, wear something pink, and arrive in front of the Central Post Office before 10:00 a.m.
Please SHARE this page in your networks and post your stories about last year’s march as well as relevant news on women, feminism and grassroots activism.
If you indicated earlier that you were INTERESTED in the march and know you will be attending, please mark GOING. We need an accurate count of attendance for planning purposes.
And please tell your friends and family members about the march and encourage them to visit and contribute to our event page. These simple actions will play a key role in our effort to flood the streets of San José with people who want to work together for change in 2018!
This event is sponsored by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (LIMPAL), Code Pink - Costa Rica, School of the Americas Watch (SOAW), Centro de Amigos para la Paz (CAP), and Centro de Estudios Para la Paz (CEPPA).
Event imported by Ivan using FbEventsImporter object (74) | 7 years, 1 month ago |