Women's March TC., 2018: Power to the Polls!
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Join us as we once again take to the streets with our message and our voice. We will march in solidarity with hundreds of thousands of women across the country, and the globe. We will meet at the Chamber of Commerce, 202 E Grandview Pkwy, Traverse City, and at 1:00pm peacefully March through downtown Traverse City (only on the sidewalks), returning to the Chamber of Commerce. We will then stand along the Grandview Parkway, and afterwards gather at the Workshop Brewing Company, 221 Garland St, Traverse City (in the Warehouse District), for conversation, networking and community-building. Bring your signs, your friends, your families and your voices. EVERYONE is welcome! PLEASE dress for the weather.
Event imported by Ivan using FbEventsImporter object (74) | 7 years, 1 month ago |