WE WILL MARCH! For all the women who feel victimized all over again, for our children who wonder if they can expect to feel safe, and yes for IMPEACHMENT of Donald J Trump! Featuring speakers Jamie Mahlberg, Ragina Mustafa, Dee Sabol and Gale Julius. Join us as we stand together and demand that our government DO BETTER for women! Women's rights are human rights! Several speakers are lined up and WE WILL MARCH! More information to come. For now join us at the Peace Plaza with your signs and you pussy hats! Let me know if you can volunteer to help with voter reg. drive or other things and be prepared because WINTER SNOWFLAKE STORM IS COMING! SHARE LIKE CRAZY FOLKS!
Event imported by Ivan using FbEventsImporter object (74) | 7 years, 1 month ago |