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Woman's March

At 200 N Main St, Logan, UT 84321-3915, United States
On 20th January 2018 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.


March on! Logan, Utah will join people in cities all over the country in promoting equality and justice for all people, celebrating the accomplishments of the 2017 women’s march, and looking ahead to the issues we face in 2018. Plans include hearing from several speakers about organizing, current issues and leadership. We will hold a placard-making party ahead of the march, in the Bonneville room at the Logan Library from 1-2:30pm. Bring your supplies (poster board, markers, etc.), ideas and friends.

So excited—our March on January is developing into an event--- Rally your friends—

Hear our voice!!!

Confirmed Speakers
Jenny Wilson, US Senate candidate
Colleen O'Neill, Associate Professor of History, speaking on The Power of Organizing
Karina Hernandez, USU Multicultural Sorority President
Christy Glass, Professor of Sociology and organizer of Real Women Run, speaking The Power of Women in Leadership
Star Coulbrooke, Logan Poet Laureate
Gonca Feyza Soyer, a Muslim woman living in America
Katie Stringham, Development Support Coordinator for the CAPSA domestic violence, abuse and rape recovery center, speaking on the #MeToo movement


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