January is Stalking Awareness Month. It's not romantic. It's creepy. And it can lead to abuse. Stalking is a strong indicator of lethality in intimate partner homicides. Please join us, a panel of experts and a survivor of stalking as we discuss this issue.
Hear from:
Kathy Fahl, director, OU Gender + Equality Center
Ali Jaffery, Community Services Officer, Norman Police Department
Justin Pyle Jr., Detective, Cleveland County Sheriff's Office
Jacobi Nichols Whatley, Assistant District Attorney - Cleveland County
Stalking Survivor
It will be held at the Norman Investigations Center Auditorium, 1507 W. Lindsey St., Norman, OK 73069
Please call 405.217.7727 or email dvsvadv@wrcweb.net for questions or directions.
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