Women’s Strike Assembly Organising Meeting
1] Call to action [getting groups and individuals to endorse the call and support the strike + pledge to strike]
2] Strike Fund [ raising money for the strike fund - mechanise]
3] This is a Social Crisis Public Event - Jan 29 - tasks and promotion
4] Establishing new Strike Assemblies in Brighton, Leeds - report backs and building contacts
5] 8 March Strike Action - establish working group
Proposal: 1pm Central London Assembly | 7pm Soho Sex/Work Strike4Decrim Assembly
We are open to people of any gender attending the meeting but the strike will led by and prioritise the voices of women and non-binary people. We are trans and sex worker inclusive. We respectfully suggest that men avoid dominating discussion and that they also volunteer for tasks which are traditionally done by women e.g. cooking, cleaning, care. Childcare and food will be collectively provided.
——> call to action
On 8 March women across the world are going on strike. This is a call to action for women in the UK to join the strike. We will refuse to work. We will be on the streets. We will shut things down and disrupt business as usual.
For every woman who is sick to death of being sexually harassed and bullied at work.
For every woman who is hungry and unable to heat her house.
For every woman suffering because of benefit cuts or poverty wages.
For every woman who is expected to earn less than her male colleagues and then come home and start a second shift of cooking, cleaning and caring.
For every woman who is kept powerless by whore stigma.
For every woman who endures homophobia and transphobia.
For every woman who has worked herself to the bone to keep the national health and education systems functioning and yet has not received a pay rise in years.
For every woman who has suffered violence at the hands of partners, friends, colleagues or bosses and is not believed.
For every woman who faces violence at the hands of the state through immigration raids, mass incarceration and racist policing.
The Women’s Strike is an international strike being planned and organised by and for women in over 56 countries. On 8 March 2018 we will refuse to work. We will walk out of our kitchens, universities, brothels, schools, bedrooms, factories, hospitals and offices. We will strike from all the work we do, whether it is paid or unpaid. We are on strike against the decades of neoliberal policies directed towards women working inside and outside of the home.
Women’s work makes life possible. And for that work, we are rewarded with violence and exploitation in the streets, at work and at home. The recent #metoo campaign has exposed the daily reality of sexual harassment and violence that is at the centre of our labour exploitation. To add insult to injury, we’re told that our suffering is inevitable – even natural. We strike to reject that lie. We strike for a world where women can live free from violence and exploitation. Nothing is external to the women’s movement. We will strike and we will win. #westrike to invent a time of our own where our desires and needs are the basis of a new form of life on earth.
Join us – we have a world to win.
Instagram - womenstrike.uk
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