UPDATED INFO: Emergency Women's Rally to #FreeAhedTamimi and #FreeAllChildPrisoners! #Intesectiona!
WHEN: Saturday Jan. 6th at Noon - 2:00 PM
WHERE: Consulate General of Israel at 11766 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles 90025
WHY: On Dec. 6th Donald Trump announced his reckless decision to declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Since then, at least 16 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli military, including 17-year-old Musab Tamimi shot in neck Wednesday. Thousands have been injured and detained, including hundreds of children, for protesting in a wave of upheaval across Palestine.
One of these children is 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi, who became famous in recent years for her resistance to Israeli soldiers. Ahed was most recently filmed slapping an Israeli soldier after they had invaded her home and shot her 15-year-old cousin, Mohammad Tamimi, in the face. Ahed's mother Nariman has also been detained. Ahed is now facing indictment on up to 12 charges by Israeli military court and the possibility of many years inside Israeli prison.
Ahed and other Palestinians, whether children or not, have every right to resist occupation, colonization, and ethnic cleansing. as we rally in solidarity with Ahed and all child prisoners in Palestine to demand their immediate release.
Twenty Congresspeople have sponsored legislation H.R. 4391 to cut off the use of U.S. funds by Israel to detain Palestinian children: one sponsor has cited figures of 500 - 700 Palestinian children being detained every year.
WHO Speakers include: Amani Barakat, National Chair Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Abir Mahmoud Zowidi, Palestinian mother from Gaza, sharing her own experiences, and a message from Palestinian mothers.
Estee Chandler, Jewish Voice for Peace - LA Organizer, who just returned from lobbying trip to DC in support of H.R. 4391.
Jasmine Abdullah, Founder Black Lives Matter - Pasadena, former political prisoner, and freedom fighter
Ahlam Khamis, Palestinian American International Artist and Actor
Taylor Morley, Coalition and Local Coordinator, CodePink Women for Peace and #MeToo movement organizer
Sylvia Cabrera, Co-Coordinator of AF3IRM - LA Chapter a transnational women's group
Hannah Howard, a Queer Jewish woman, who has fought for liberation for Palestine for more than a decade.
And surprise guests...TBA
#Intersectionality #FreeAhedTamimi #FreePalestine #BDS:
"We should extend our struggles to one another in order to end all of the world's injustices" -Ahed Tamimi
INITIATED BY: LA4Palestine, Al-Awda Palestine Right to Return Coalition, and Jews for Palestinian Right of Return.
ENDORSED BY: Palestinian American Women's Association, Me Too March International, AF3IRM LA, AIM So-Cal, Idle No More So-Cal, ANSWER Coalition, Black Lives Matter - Pasadena, March and Rally LA, California for Progress, Palestinian Youth Movement So-Cal, CODEPINK: Women for Peace, SWANA-LA, Martin Luther King Coalition of Greater Los Angeles, Labor for Palestine, International Action Center, BDS LA for Justice in Palestine, International League of Peoples' Struggle So-Cal, Dignity and Power Now, Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, and more!
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