It’s been an absolutely massive year for ActionAid Australia, and there’s no way we could have done it without our incredible activist network.
To say thank you, we’re holding a celebratory picnic at Camperdown Memorial Park this 5th December on International Volunteer Day and during 16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women.
Whether you are a Community Leader or a one-off volunteer you are welcome to come along and partake in the festivities.
Bring a snack or a dish to share with the group and enjoy a relaxing afternoon at the park.
Don't forget to let us know you're coming by RSVPing - that way we can keep an eye out for you on the day,
We are celebrating 16 Days of Activism this year with 16 events across Australia in 16 days! For more information and to keep updated on what’s happening throughout the campaign, visit
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