Join us for a live visual presentation by Max Dashú on Amazon and Warrior Women, her legendary visual talks bring to light female realities hidden from view. Don't miss this!
The talk will last for 90 minutes, with time afterwards for discussion and questions. Refreshments available. Tickets available online, and a limited number on the door.
Learn about Amazon legends recounted of women in Ukraine, Turkey, Libya, and Brazil. Gulaim and the Qyrk Qyz (Forty Maidens) of Central Asia. Images from Greece and Italy. The Amazon reliefs of Udyagiri caves in Odissa, Sassanian women warriors. Vlasa and the Czech Amazons. Kitami the Amazon queen of Mpororo in southern Uganda. The princess warrior Yennega of Burkino Faso, and the Hausa warrior queen Amina of Zaria, Nigeria. The Amazons of Dahomey. Medieval women warriors in Europe and Asia. Tomoe Gozen and Han Gaku in Japan; Hua Mulan in China, and the female generals Trung Trac and Trung Nhi in Vietnam. Lozen, medicine warrior of the Chicahua Apache. Warrior women of the Kiowa and other Plains Nations. Courageous activists of Afghanistan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Kurdistan, India, and Native North and South America.
Max Dashu founded the Suppressed Histories Archives in 1970 to research women’s history and heritages in global perspective. She has published two books, Witches and Pagans: Women in European Folk Religion, and Deasophy Coloring Book, and the dvds Woman Shaman: the Ancients (2013) and Women’s Power in Global Perspective (2008).
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