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Events tagged with jazz in the city of Berlin
Events in Berlin in January 2014
Events within 500 km of Berlin
Events on the 31th of January 2014
Events tagged with environment and with conference
Events tagged with mathematics or with philosophy
Events that Amanda intends to attend
Events in which you will meet Amanda
Nearest events to the coordinates 52,13 in the next 2 days
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TEDxUCLWomen 2017 | Home

At Queen Mary University of London: Great Hall at The People's Palace
On 5th November 2017 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.


TEDxUCLWomen is a movement celebrating the remarkable achievements of women and girls at UCL and in the wider community, whilst also looking at the barriers preventing women and girls from achieving their full potential, providing a platform for those attempting to break these barriers down. This year's theme is HOME, in all its interpretations.

On Sunday November the 5th, TEDxUCLWomen will be in its fourth year, continuing to offer a space for individuals from a range of different fields to captivate and inspire with their words. We've been hard at work curating a whole day of workshops, talks, food and entertainment for you and cannot wait to share the details…

WHEN: Sunday November the 5th, with exact timings to be confirmed.

WHERE: The People's Palace, Queen Mary University of London.

-The Great Hall at the People’s Palace is located on Mile End Road. TEDxUCLWomen has been organised by students and staff from universities all across London, and we have made use of this partnership to benefit from this beautiful venue.

- The closest tube stations to the People’s Palace are Stepney Green and Mile End. The closest fully accessible stations are King’s Cross and Bow Church.

- Full information about transport, accessibility and local amenities will be available on our ticket website once tickets have been released.

THEME: This year we have given our event the theme of 'Home'. Such a broad theme conjures endless avenues for interpretation, most notably community, belonging, race, class, comfort, alienation, temporal and geographical familiarity or displacement and so much more. There is no doubt we will have some amazing talks this year - our incredible range of speakers this year promise to broaden our perspectives, understand the perspectives of others and generally enrich our thinking about what 'home' is.

In the first week of November, there will be hundreds of TEDxWomen events taking place around the world and we will be hosting a 90-minute livestream of this year's TEDWomen talk during our event. TEDxUCLWomen is a part of a GLOBAL movement and you have the chance to be a part of it!

Accessibility information about the event at:

Join this event and like and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for updates on what the day will include. Expect info on:

TEDxUCLWomen Experience Space/stalls
Food and drink
+ free TEDxUCLWomen goody bags AND lots more!



Web links

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